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Keeper – Safety App

Explore the prototype! Keeper, the app to stay safe. The application aims to propose safe routes by taking into account factors such as crime

Serenis – Mindfulness App

Explore the prototype! While digital nomadism offers freedom and flexibility, it also presents unique challenges. Maintaining work discipline, dealing with visa requirements, managing finances,


From Instagram to a website this is the path that made Darya, contente creator, with “beautytalksandmore”.After a few years of reviewing and talking about


Silvia is a fashion consultant, her main request was for a clean site, without images, that could enclose and sell her services not through


Roberto is an astrologer, the site aims to sell its services through an aesthetic that resembles the astral world but was not composed of

App design – Neumorphism

What does neumorphism look like in UI design and what can it do for your product? What does neumorphism look like in UI design

Data Visulalisation

Visual representation of the subbing fan process studied in a sociological key While rippers break down the time barrier of television distribution, fansubbers help

Chef for Planet

I partnered up with this company in a very well put project. Graphic Design Illustration Art Direction Creative Direction Marketing We are talking about

Airbnb Journey Map

At the center is the user, the creation of the Personas anticipates the creation of the Customer Journey Map. The first focuses on the

Type Design

Inspired by the song Potato Salad I realized this complete font. The piano in the base gave rise to the thick and rectangular shapes
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